Special Issue on Computational Resources and Methods in Biological Sciences

Guest editors:
Jian Huang, Professor
Center for Informational Biology
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Dr. Hao Lin
Center for Informational Biology
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Shaoliang Peng, Professor
School of Computer Science
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China

During the past decades, computational biology has become an increasingly important research area in biological sciences. With the new generation technologies becoming cheaper and more popular in biolabs, huge volumes of biological data output is driving biology somehow to be a kind of data science. Therefore, computational resources and methods are playing a significant role in many biological studies. Big data in biological sciences are waiting forĀ  better curation, more efficient analysis, more precise interpretation, more accurate modelling and prediction.

We invite authors to contribute review articles and research papers on computational resources and methods for all aspects of biological studies. This special issue aims to provide an open, multidisciplinary forum for biological databases, web services, stand alone programs, relevant algorithms and methods for data mining and knowledge discovery in biology.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • New biological database or lasting database with substantial updates;
  • New biological web services or existing web services with substantial updates;
  • New or better standalone biological programs and tools;
  • New or better pipelines and workflows for biodata processing and mining;
  • New or better algorithms, workflows, and methods for biological studies.

Authors should prepare their manuscripts in MS Word according to http://www.ijbs.com/ms/author and submit them at http://www.ijbs.com/ms/submit?subgroup=CRMBS (mark "Computational Resources and Methods Special Issue" in the "Suggested reviewers" field to identify the paper).

Manuscript due: December 28, 2017
Peer review due: January 28, 2018
Revision Due: February 28, 2018
Publication Date: March 28, 2018

Detailed formatting instructions, in particular, the formatting of references, can be found in http://www.ijbs.com/ms/author.

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